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The Bible admonishes the rich to take care of the poor and the poor to be in solidarity and serve each other with all the gifts they received from God. The idea is the same: The rich are admonished to share, and the poor are not called to be victims.


In the biblical model, a poor person is a person who has nothing to eat, clothes, water to drink, a roof over his head, and therefore has to be taken care of.


Generally, in the so-called third world, where we operate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 70% of the population earns less than 100 dollars a month. When a person cannot work and wants to work, what happens is that he is not lazy, he cannot get a job to live with dignity, and this type of poverty leads the person to total abandonment and must first be treated in the following way: Fed, receive drinking water, bath, clothes and be trained to be able to enter the job market on an equal basis.


The Kingdom of God flows thru the gifts of their servants. The Lord created his body to be like a significant company where everyone works for the good of everyone, sharing what they have according to their gifts and resources according to the territory.


The Rio Mission Base (Base of Love and Justice PROJECT in Rio de Janeiro) we've been taking care of children, adolescents, and their relatives without the minimum structural support of the state or any official organization they would not be able to have equal opportunities due to the lack of opportunity for equivalent studies and because of this is even less able to enter the job market, so much so that 9 out of 10 people ask for an opportunity to work.


In wealthier countries, the poorest, the homeless, have become unproductive due to situations based on truths or social support plans, where they do not feel the need to work. This type of poverty is caused by being in bondage, trapped in bondage that needs to be cut, by training and deliverance through the reality that there are no victims in the Kingdom of God.


In the Kingdom of God, everyone has the opportunity to support one another, not out of pity, but because we love with divine and sacrificial love. Out of passion for the teaching of Yeshua, our mission is to make disciples capable of surviving all the attacks that will come, whether for the poor in the absence of the minimum and or unproductive poor who cannot work, because they have no hope to understand that they can serve others and live in the deception of victims.


This is the main message for believers whether they are rich or poor (Mark 10:42-45).


Who has (gifts, resources, attitude) - sacrifices (share) for the one who doesn't have. Who has a voice - speak for those who cannot be heard! Everyone has something to share!


We have to give back to God the prerogative according to the gift he has given us to serve humanity for the glory of God, whether rich or poor.


We need each other for full blessing!


Support the work of Love and Justice in Brazil where we serve God by serving the humanity he created and taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves!

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